Friday, July 05, 2013

My dear darling

Is the vulnerable look in?
has the 28 inch waistline taken over passionate kisses, the soft touch?
Should I let you drop me home?
The women's coach won't work for me.
I promise to be a good girl.
I will always listen to you.
I will cook, clean the house. 
Won't expect you to make me tea.
But tell me my dear darling
where do I keep my thoughts?
Words that are mere words to you
words that want to explode,
flood every inch of your being.
I am sorry I don't melt in your arms
my loud voice is too much to bear.
But tell me my dear darling
where do I hide my screaming words?

Lessons in motherhood

I got my periods today, seven and half months after my baby was born. This includes the 3-4 weeks of bleeding post my C-section. One cou...